High-cadence synoptic program of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (''Shutterless'')

Guidelines and rules First campaigns evaluation
Procedure definitions and options Data pre-processing


Scientific Aim

The scientific aim of the EIT high-cadence synoptic program is to monitor long-term changes in the small-scale dynamics of all kinds of solar structures (Active Regions, Quiet Sun, Coronal Holes, etc.), using high-cadence sequences made by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT). The program is thus planned on the long term (need for regular time intervals of 1 to 3 months), and should eventually last for years until EIT or SOHO dies.

Program Characteristics

We need a wide field of view to include as many (preferably all) kinds of solar regions as possible, including the solar limb. Our basic field of view is thus essentially a quarter-disk (see Figure): one corner is near disk center and the outer edges are just beyond the limb at the pole and equator.

With such a field of view and using the shutterless mode of EIT, we can achieve a 68s cadence with an effective exposure quite larger than the standard synoptic exposures (best for CH and QS).

Based on instrument safety concerns (radiation induced aging), the compromise for the baseline duration was set to 2 hours.

As we want to monitor the Transition Region as well as the corona, we run the sequences alternately in 2 bandpasses: 304Å and 195Å (with occasionally a third one: 171Å). We started with a 304Å sequence in December 2000.

Contacts: Dr. Susanna Parenti or Dr. Frédéric Clette

Some movies (uncalibrated) an images from the past campaigns are available by clicking on the links.

Most recent campaigns
Cmp # Date Targets EIT Other intruments Note ROB lead
36 2 July N pole 195 TRACE (171), CDS   S. Parenti
35 1 April S pole 171 TRACE, CDS JOP 216/HOP 98 S. Parenti
34 16 Jan 2009 S pole 195 TRACE (171) , CDS   S. Parenti
33 16; 23 Oct 2008 QS Sun centre ; North CH 195 - 171 TRACE (171,171), CDS(1,2), EUVI small AR, polar jet S. Parenti
32 23; 30 Jul 2008 S pole ; QS Sun centre 171 - 304 TRACE (171; 171), CDS (1, 2) equatorial hole S. Parenti
31 (7273) 23; 29 Apr 2008 AR - North CH 171 -304

TRACE (171mov1, 171ima1,C IV; 171), CDS (1, 2, 3), MDI

A2.3 flare S. Parenti
30 23; 30 Jan 2008 QS Sun centre ; AR 10980 171 -195 MDI, TRACE (171 ; 171), CDS   S. Parenti
29 11; 17 Oct 2007 N pole CH ; QS 195 -171 MDI, TRACE (171, 1600; 171 ), EUVI, CDS polar jet S. Parenti
28 2; 9 Aug 2007 N-E prominence; N pole CH 304 -171 TRACE (171;171), SECCHI 304 absorption feature at the pole S. Parenti
27 9; 15 May 2007 ARs 953 ; 954 304 -195 TRACE (171, C IV). CDS. Hinode-STEREO flare S. Parenti
26 16; 24 Jan 2007

S pole CH ; ARs 10939 - 10938

304 -195

TRACE (171;171,C IV, 1600, 1700 & WL). CDS, MDI

macrospicule/polar jet S. Parenti
25 18; 25 Oct 2006 On disc CH ; N pole CH 171 -304 TRACE: (171;171). CDS, MDI polar jet F. Clette & S.Parenti
24 26 Jul; 2 Aug 2006 AR ; CH & AR 171 -171 TRACE (171;171). CDS, MDI   G. Lawrence

Previous campaigns