SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Apr.04

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QS_ 2480 ___0 _ 18:31 Lyman study (Rammacher) WIL
LMB 2484 ___0 _ 21:01 Reference spectrum width_A4 WIL
LMB 2485 ___0 _ 23:10 Reference spectrum width_A7 WIL
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:14 Change to Det.B, preparations at 1152
LMB 2486 ___0 _ 18:01 Reference spectrum width_B4 WIL
LMB 2487 ___0 _ 20:12 Reference spectrum width_B7 WIL
LMB 2491 ___0 _ 22:24 Reference spectrum width_B1 WIL
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:36 History memory Det.B
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:40 Change to Det.A, preparations at 1152
LMB 2490 ___0 _ 14:01 Reference spectrum width_A1 WIL
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 19:27 Change pointing, preparations at 1152,770
SPI 2482 7038 _ 19:40 Spicule study, short (Pasachoff) WIL
LMB ___0 ___0 _ 19:56 Observations at He I 584
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 20:28 Change pointing, preparations at 770
LO_ 2493 7034 _ 21:04 JOP104: Flare watch 1118 WIL
LO_ 2493 7034 _ 07:58 JOP104: Flare watch 1118 WIL
LO_ 2492 7034 _ 10:32 JOP104: Flare watch 1118 WIL
LO_ 2492 7034 _ 12:00 JOP104: Flare watch 1118 WIL
LO_ 2492 7034 _ 11:43 JOP104: Flare watch 1118 WIL
SPI 2482 7038 _ 15:13 Spicule study, south (Pasachoff) WIL
SPI 2482 7038 _ 20:01 Spicule study, north (Pasachoff) WIL
PR_ 2500 ___0 _ 00:00 Prominence at 1401 WIL
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 00:55 History memory Det.A, prep. at 1152
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 20:22 History memory Det.A
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 20:36 Change to Det.B, preparations at 1152
PR_ 2513 7040 _ 22:01 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
PR_ 2512 7040 _ 04:02 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
PR_ 2513 7040 _ 10:06 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 15:21 Change pointing, preparations at 1152,1440
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 16:59 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 20:43 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 22:06 Change pointing, preparations at 760
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 22:14 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 04:12 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 10:10 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 15:14 Change pointing, preparations at 760
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 16:38 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 21:12 Change pointing, preparations at 760
PR_ 2511 7040 _ 21:42 Prominence motions, sit+stare RTG

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