SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Dec.04

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CH_ ___0 ___0 _ 19:55 Observations at 1440
CH_ 2609 ___0 _ 20:31 Two photon studies north (slit 5) WIL
COR 2594 7101 _ 00:45 Flare watch 977 LAN
COR 2606 7101 _ 08:48 Electron temp. and dens. LAN
LB_ 2602 ___0 _ 10:51 Mini ref_spec (X=+1470) LAN
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 21:01 Preparations, change pointing
COR 2611 ___0 _ 21:38 Two photon studies south (slit 5) CUR
COR 2594 7101 _ 02:02 Flare watch 977 LAN
COR 2606 7101 _ 10:05 Electron temp. and dens. LAN
LB_ 2608 ___0 _ 12:08 Loop raster CUR
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 16:51 Preparations, change pointing
AR_ 2612 ___0 _ 17:36 Active region around 1118 CUR
LB_ 2613 ___0 _ 19:15 Flare watch 1118 (slit 5) CUR
AR_ 2589 ___0 _ 12:18 Flare in Lyman beta and He II LAN
CH_ 2608 ___0 _ 14:41 Loop raster CUR
LB_ 2614 ___0 _ 18:30 Filament in Lyman lines CUR
LB_ ___0 ___0 _ 19:53 Preparations, change pointing
LB_ 2614 ___0 _ 20:32 Filament in Lyman lines CUR
CH_ 2608 ___0 _ 23:41 Loop raster CUR
LB_ 2613 ___0 _ 03:30 Flare watch 1118 (slit 5) CUR
LB_ 2608 ___0 _ 17:32 Loop raster CUR
LMB 2607 ___0 _ 20:32 Lyman alpha on disk w/dithering CUR
SPI 2596 ___0 _ 22:24 Spicules at 1031 (slit 8) LAN
SPI 2596 ___0 _ 00:32 Spicules at 1533 (slit 5) LAN
LB_ 2613 ___0 _ 02:40 Flare watch 1118 (slit 5) CUR
AR_ 2608 7104 _ 11:12 Active region loop raster CUR
AR_ 2612 7104 _ 15:31 Active region around 1118 CUR
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 20:48 Preparations at disk center
AR_ 2613 ___0 _ 21:19 Flare watch 1118 (slit 5) CUR
LB_ 2613 ___0 _ 05:57 Flare watch 1118 (slit 5) CUR
AR_ 2612 7104 _ 15:31 Active region around 1118 CUR
AR_ 2616 7104 _ 20:07 Active region loop raster CUR
FLR 2617 ___0 _ 00:21 Flare watch 1118 CUR
AR_ 2616 7104 _ 17:38 Active region loop raster CUR
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 21:36 Mini ref_spec (interrupted)
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 00:09 History memory, preparations
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 06:04 Mini ref_spec (X=+1470) LAN
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 16:29 Mini ref_spec (X=+1370) LAN
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 02:38 Mini ref_spec (X=+1270) LAN
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 12:57 Mini ref_spec (X=+1170) LAN
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 23:01 Mini ref_spec (X=+1070) LAN
LB_ 2602 7104 _ 09:21 Mini ref_spec (X=+1000) LAN
LB_ 2618 7104 _ 19:13 Mini ref_spec (Y=+1150) LAN
LB_ 2618 7104 _ 07:59 Mini ref_spec (Y=-1150) LAN
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 19:42 Preparations, change pointing
FIL 2614 ___0 _ 20:26 Filament in Lyman lines CUR
LB_ 2619 ___0 _ 13:25 Mini ref_spec (Y=+1150) LAN
LB_ 2619 ___0 _ 07:26 Mini ref_spec (Y=+1150) LAN
LB_ 2618 ___0 _ 01:27 Mini ref_spec (Y=+1150) LAN
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:55 History memory, close door

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