Here we display all the images and movies of the 2016 Mercury transit that we receive from you.You can upload them here. No problem if you submit them after transit day.
We intend to keep the imagery available for quite a while.
Happy viewing!
Mark Brennan: just after second contact, Aarschot.
Mark Brennan: just after second contact, Aarschot.
Mark Brennan : Mercury approaching Sunspots 2542 and 2543
Evrard Jean-Christophe: From Liège (Belgium) at 15h30
Alain Schmidt: Projection oculaire sur un carton blanc, photographiée, contrastée et annotée
Evrard Jean-Christophe: From Liège (Belgium) at 17:00
Ruben Verboven
Ruben Verboven
Anne-Lize Kochuyt
Anne-Lize Kochuyt
Dima Dudko: Mercury transit 2016 as seen from Kyiv
Dima Dudko: Mercury transit 2016 as seen from Kyiv
Hans Coeckelberghs
Bruno Nolf
Chris De Pauw - UGent VS A Pien : First and second contact
Wesley Verbraecken
Above is a scan of drawings from the 15 November 1999 grazing Mercury transit, barely lasting 59 minutes.
The pencil drawings give a visual impression of the transit as observed using a 20 cm Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with glass objective filter,
blue ocular filter, and at 107x magnification. The drawings were made at approximately 21:20UT, 21:37UT and 21:59UT. Mercury is moving from the upper left to the lower left, passing close to a polar facula.
We’ll keep these images as a placeholder until we receive your first imagery of the 2016 Mercury transit.