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ROB/SIDC has successfully passed the Flight Acceptance Review of its Science Operations Centre for PROBA-3/ASPIICS

A committee consisting of experts in software development, space mission operations, and science was appointed by ESA to follow the SOC development and to review it at regular intervals. The Flight Acceptance Review was the last in the series of reviews. It had to certify that the SOC is built following the pre-defined scientific and technical requirements. The committee has thoroughly inspected the SOC software and associated documentation. In April 2022, it concluded that the SOC satisfies all the requirements and the Flight Acceptance Review of the ASPIICS SOC is successfully closed.

A Patchwork Image of the Sun

On 7 March, 2022, the high-resolution telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard the Solar Orbiter spacecraft made a mosaic image of the solar disk. Over a period of more than 4 hours, the satellite aimed at different positions each time capturing a small square of the Sun at very high resolution. These images were then stitched together like a patchwork. The result was an extremely detailed image of the entire Sun.

Partial Solar Eclipse of March 20th 2015

The partial solar eclipse on March 20th 2015 has been observed in Humain by the 6-m dish radio telescope connected to a e-Callisto receiver. The instrument has recorded the solar flux as the Moon passes in front of the Sun.

In the mean time, another instrument, measuring the sky luminosity in visible light, has also detected a drop of a few percent during that event. This instrument is used by astronomers from ROB to assess the opportunity to observe on certain days, at night.