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Digital receivers

ARCAS & HSRS spectrographs


ARCAS is a digital spectrometer based on a Software Defined Radio receiver configured to scan the band 45 - 450 MHz. It has been set up on October 27 2016, in parallel to the CALLISTO receiver already in operation. Both instruments share the same receiving antenna via a splitter.


HSRS is a digital spectrometer based on a Software Defined Radio receiver configured to scan the band 275 - 1495 MHz. It has been set up in late July 2015. HSRS is connected to a broad-band antenna located at the focal point of the 6-m dish.

Quicklook files

Daily quicklook overview combining ARCAS, HSRS and SXR light curves from GOES are available on this website. The very last 2 hours observations from ARCAS and HSRS and selected light curves from HSRS are also available. FITS files can be requested by email to the contact person.

Frequency band 45 - 450 MHz 275 - 1495 MHz
Frequency resolution 98 kHz 98 kHz
Time resolution ~ 84 ms ~ 250 ms
Number of frequencies ~ 4.2 k ~ 12.5 k

Use of the data

The ARCAS and HSRS data have a DOI.

If you make use of these data for a publication please cite as:

  • for ARCAS

Marqué, C.; Martinez Picar, A.; Gunessee, A.; Magdalenić, J. (2016): ARCAS. Royal Observatory of Belgium. doi: 10.24414/hezf-4p03

  • for HSRS

Marqué, C.; Martinez Picar, A.; Gunessee, A.; Magdalenić, J. (2015): HSRS. Royal Observatory of Belgium. doi: 10.24414/wbad-kq04